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Dale Thomas Plumbing

Meet Thomas Plumbing, the Experts in All Things Plumbing for Kootenai County

Searching for a Top-Notch Plumber? Look No Further

Exceptional Service, Unrivaled Expertise

Attention, residents of Kootenai County! When it comes to plumbing, there's one name that stands out above the rest: Thomas Plumbing. With decades of experience serving North Idaho, they're the go-to experts for all your plumbing needs.

From minor repairs to major installations, Thomas Plumbing has the knowledge and skill to handle any plumbing challenge. Their team of licensed and insured plumbers is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and delivering high-quality workmanship.

Whether you're building a new home, remodeling a bathroom, or simply dealing with a leaky faucet, Thomas Plumbing is here to help. They'll assess your plumbing system, diagnose any issues, and provide you with the best possible solutions.

Don't wait until it's too late. Trust the professionals at Thomas Plumbing to keep your plumbing system running smoothly and efficiently. Contact them today for a free estimate and experience the difference their expertise can make.
